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We are excited and proud to announce that BBS&G has earned the distinction of being ranked #1 in Bethesda Magazine’s “Top Places to Work”! Bethesda Magazine’s “Top Places to Work” – #1 Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz & Gilday, LLC Early one Thursday afternoon, there was a friendly knock on legal assistant […]

Douglas Bregman and Andreas Akaras were quoted in a February 7, 2020 article in The Hill discussing the federal court’s decision to deny Turkey’s request to dismiss a civil suit by protesters who are seeking damages after they were violently beaten while demonstrating against the visit of the Turkish president […]

Coming Changes to Montgomery County Transportation and Schools Tests The Montgomery County Planning Department has started work on an update to the County’s Subdivision Staging Policy (SSP).  This update will establish the Adequate Public Facilities tests for transportation and schools to be applied to subdivision applications for four years, starting […]

Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz & Gilday, LLC was featured in the “Ask the Attorneys” Profile Section of the November/December 2019 issue of Bethesda Magazine.  Click here to see our profile.

Read Historic Perspective of the Modern Landlord and Tenant Relationship

The Montgomery County Planning Board is considering draft revisions to the County’s Recreation Guidelines, which will apply to all residential development with more than 19 dwelling units. The draft guidelines are very similar in format to the current guidelines: for each project, the number and type of dwelling units proposed […]

A checklist of items that should be considered by a consultant when negotiating a contract for services with a client.

Presentation by Douglas Bregman at a seminar for Lorman Education Services regarding the process of negotiating a commercial lease and a review of terms to consider with respect to commercial leases.